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2 - 3ft x 7ft canvas   total size - 6ft x 7ft

Oil on Canvas




Jesus died on that wooden cross, he loved us this much. Before the cross, he suffered greatly at the hands of those that he loves. Most people see the glorified image of Jesus on the cross with seemingly minor injuries. This is not how our savior looked hanging on the cross. He was ridiculed, mocked, spit on, scourged to the point where he was unrecognizable, had a crown of thorns pressed into his head, and forced to drag the cross where he would be pierced through with nails and die a slow, painful, suffocating death. "This then, was the end, not of a martyr, but the Head of all the holy martyrs, through whom they and we all must be saved" (Martyrs Mirror 1660 Thieleman J. van Braght). Three days later, our Saviour rose and defeated the grave.

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